Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Droplets on the roses. Cognac. And 18 dishes

Droplets on the roses. Cognac. And 18 dishes

And just two days later, after my Alpine lunch in the 1760 m height, at 6 am on a Monday morning, I packed the car full of clothes and cooking utensils to drive all over France to get out of the car in Cognac for an 8 box shopping. No, I did not go there just to shop. That week was more than just shopping and food and work. It was about creating. Creating a story, moment, and memory, as it was all about two vineyard lunches at Maison Courvoisier. My favourite cognac house, among others.

I was busy preparing menus of nine dishes for every meal, but even in the busiest moments like these, I could not keep myself away from the beauty around me. Sometimes those beauty moments were between something simmering on the stove and baking in the oven. Sometimes, they were just before or after the event. Sometimes, while everyone else was sleeping and the world was only starting to wake up, when I got my shoes on and disappeared into the garden, appreciating the roses covered with droplets of night humidity. And this photo story is all about that.

Alps and the cinnamon bun

Alps and the cinnamon bun