Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Solstice. Midsummer. Celebrate

Solstice. Midsummer. Celebrate

In Latvia Midsummer celebration is a big thing. We also call this either Ligo day (23rd of June) or John's day (24th of June). I can not imagine my summer without this celebration and we have always been celebrating Ligo day on 23rd until this year when I discovered the magic of celebrating 21st of June - Solstice. So this year we did both. And we loved it.

Although we never do it 100% traditional Latvian way, there are always things like our grandmas pastries (pīragi), caraway cheese and salted cucumbers on the table, flower crowns on our heads and fire burning all through the night. 

Almost all pictures and text: Signe Meirane
Pictures with me and fireplace by Armands Meirans
Photos taken with Sony Alpha 7s

The magic of learning

The magic of learning

What's there not to like. Picinic

What's there not to like. Picinic