Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Best coffee shops. Lyon

Best coffee shops. Lyon

I still remember how in 2015 we arrived in Lyon for the first time. And again, I was looking for a specialty coffee place, especially after a few visits to Paris, where the best you could get was a bucked or transparent drink hot as flames of hell (not that I have been there, thankfully) profiting only from a burnt tongue and minor heart attack later that day. And, yes, to our surprise, there were two places. La Boîte à Café and Puzzle Cafe. Next to the amazing scenery and very tasty restaurant meals, those coffee moments were the tastiest moments Lyon had to offer.

Juicy carrot cake

Juicy carrot cake

Alma par Marvin Brandao. boulangerie-patisserie

Alma par Marvin Brandao. boulangerie-patisserie