Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

The right pastry. differences between different dough types

The right pastry. differences between different dough types

In a world where everyone claims the rights to pâte sablée, brisée, sucrée, feuilletée, and all the other doughs, there is actually no recipe that can be mine or yours. Things like doughs, which have been prepared for centuries, belong to everyone, and the story behind them is more about the products that we use and the way we work with these products rather than the recipe as such. Do we choose the sandier or crunchy, less sweet or sweeter recipe? That is the story. Not to whom it belongs.

Yes. I also wish to think that I have invented my dough recipes, but, to be honest, I have not, no. I firmly believe that many people in this world use the same measurements; they just do not post them on the internet. So, yes, even though I and many others would like to claim the right to these doughs, we cannot. They are ours, they are diverse and here you can see why.

Classic crêpes

Classic crêpes

Simple dinner mushroom recipe

Simple dinner mushroom recipe