Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Creamy coconut orange porridge

Creamy coconut orange porridge

What do you do when you get 3 boxes of Greek oranges? You make everything with oranges. All day long. And breakfast is no exception.

Here, the main rule is to use super sweet organic or homegrown oranges (as you can eat the rind too). The ones that are sometimes hard to get. If you are not certain about eating the whole rind, then just use the orange zest and blenderize the rest of the orange.

Once or twice a year I get lucky when my guy brings a few cases of Greek oranges (straight from grower), and then all the good things happen. This porridge came to be because I had leftover coconut liquid (the creamy part was whipped into a nice whipped cream for dessert) and way too many oranges. And let me tell you – this was a hit. Everyone at home loved it, and some special people (who got to try it) also loved it.

Serve with frozen blueberries and some nuts. Nothing else is needed because the combination of oranges, almonds, pecans, and blueberries is something that just goes so well together. Bon appétit!


250 ml coconut milk (liquid part)
250 - 400 ml water
1/2 organic or homegrown orange
80 g whole oats
40 g quinoa flakes (or you can replace with quick cooking oats)
seeds from 1/4 vanilla bean
pinch of sea salt


Blend oranges, vanilla, and coconut milk. Put the oats into a saucepan, pour over the blended mixture, and add salt. Bring to the boil, lower the heat, and simmer for 7-8 minutes, stirring from time to time so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. If, at some point, all the liquid is absorbed and you think you need more, add just a bit. At the end, the porridge should be creamy.

Pour the porridge into bowls and serve with blueberries, chia seeds, walnuts, pecans, some almonds, and tiny bit of maple syrup

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