Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Simple mascarpone and mango dessert

Simple mascarpone and mango dessert

This is my savior dessert – mascarpone with yogurt or sweet cream that’s layered with berries (fresh or frozen and thawed), plums, pears or peaches. The cookies – they are obligatory, but you can experiment here by using anything from meringues to amaretti and nut cookies. My favourite is butter cookies with nuts, but an easier version of meringues are ideal.


200 g creamy mascarpone
vanilla powder or extract to taste, if desired
400 g Greek yogurt (you can also use whipped cream)
20 ml maple syrup or runny honey
8 largish cookies, crumbled *
200 g cloudberries**
200 g ripe, peeled mango, cubed **


Put the mascarpone and vanilla in a bowl and whisk until creamy. Add half the yogurt and all the syrup or honey and mix until creamy. Add the remaining yogurt and mix.

In small jars, make a layer of yogurt, cookies, berries and fruit, and repeat. Leave in the fridge for 2 hours for the flavours to meld. Serve.

* You can mix the cookies together with nuts, if you wish.
** In the summer, use any fruits and berries. You can use blueberries or raspberries or a combination of both. In place of the mango, you can use apricots and peaches or more fruit. In autumn, use plums or other fall fruit.

Chocolate chunk cookies

Chocolate chunk cookies

Yoghurt and pea dip

Yoghurt and pea dip