Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Preserved lemons

Preserved lemons

It was around 14 years ago when I first read about a miracle called “preserved lemons”. They looked as if they were sprinkled with sugar, which made sense, but then I learned that it was salt they were covered with to preserve them as something amazing. It was a recipe that called for Meyer lemons, not known to us at all at that time, so I never made them. A few years later, I stumbled on another recipe that said to use regular lemons. I did. I made them, kept them in the fridge for 2 years, and never used them. I wasn't ready. Only years later did I started to understand the magic of preserved lemons when I first tried them in California. I brought them home whenever I got the chance, especially the Meyer Lemon version. I loved them. Now I make them myself to use in chicken or lamb tagine, to sauté meat with veggies, in salad dressings, guacamole, in soups, and many more dishes. The taste is unique – indescribable to me. The taste is what counts with these lemons — not words. 


6-10 small organic lemons (depending on size)
around 500 g natural sea salt, coarse
1 star anise, optional


Sterilize the jar (I do it for 15 minutes in a 150°oven). 

Cut of the ends of the lemons. Quarter each lemon lengthwise, leaving them attached at one end. Pack each lemon with salt. Put the lemons in a jar as tightly as possible, pushing into the jar (the juices will release). When the jar is full, the juice should be almost full too. If that is not the case (depending on the lemons), then add more juice to cover. Seal the jar and cover for four weeks, shaking the jar every day (that keeps the salt well distributed). The lemons should be covered with juice all the time (add more if needed). Use later, washing before using. 

Chocolate coffee sauce

Chocolate coffee sauce

Lemon tartlets

Lemon tartlets