Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Honey cake or gingerbread dessert

Honey cake or gingerbread dessert

No matter how many years I make my very traditional Christmas honey cake, there is constantly some honey sponge left over. And most of the time - cream too. It as if I make a bit too much on purpose. Maybe that is the story; I do not know. However, another story is that I hate throwing out food, and then days after Christmas, these little desserts happen. I layer cream with leftover honey sponge, mix in some marmalade, and add some baked cinnamon apples that hold this dessert together like a mother holds a family.

8 apples
a little cinnamon
8 small tbsp of demerara sugar
cardamom if you like

100 g Baltais eko sweet cream
200 g Baltais eko sour cream
30 g brown sugar
a little vanilla
pinch of salt
50 g jelly candies, finely chopped, if you like (you can do without)

Gingerbread or honey cake (leftover from making honey cake) or some other Christmas cookies or biscuits.

Heat the oven to 200°. Toss the apples so that they are moist and put them in a ceramic dish. Top with sugar and cinnamon (and cardamom if using). Moist apples stick more easily. Leave to bake until soft and ready and already falling apart. Remove and cool.

Beat the sweet cream with sugar and salt until stiff peaks form. Then stir in sour cream and, if using, jelly candies.

Arrange on a serving dish. Put cream, soft apples, honey cake or cookie crumbs, apples and cream. Or creme and apples. As you wish. Add nuts if you want and let sit for the flavors to meld (at least 2 hours). Serve.

Baked strawberry dessert

Baked strawberry dessert

