Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Orange Christmas cookies

Orange Christmas cookies

These are inspired by a very old magazine that I acquired when I was around 14 years old but never made because at that time, that was too expensive for us. The stickers, next to cookies, are still there with calculations and the dream that one day I'd bake them. I have, though, changed them a bit by adding orange liquor instead of rhum and orange peel instead of nothing, but I'm still very grateful for the inspiration. 

150 g wheat all-purpose flour (type 65 in France)
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of sea salt
100 g grated cold butter
40 g orange candied peel, cut into small pieces
1/3 organic orange zest, finely grated
3 tbsp Grand Marnier
vanilla powder or seeds
1 large egg yolk

Mix flour with baking powder and salt. Add butter and make a breadcrumb-like texture. Add oranges, zest, Grand Marnier, vanilla, and egg, and knead to a dough-like consistency, but just until it holds together. No longer, as that hardens the dough. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes or longer. If longer, take it out from the fridge for at least 45 minutes before rolling. 

Heat the oven to 190°. Roll out the dough 3 mm thick and cut out round cookies. Place on a pan lined with baking paper and bake for 9-11 mins until golden. Take out, leave to cool on the pan for 5 minutes, and transfer to a wire rack to cool. 

Now you can serve them as they are because the taste is wonderful just like that, or you can decorate them. To do that, mix 1-2 tbsp of Grand Marnier with powdered sugar to a smooth consistency that is easy to apply, but not too runny. Place on the cookies, spread over, and decorate with ground roasted nuts or almond slices or candied orange peel. Let the glaze harden and serve. 

French saffron cake

French saffron cake

Christmas light dried fruit cake

Christmas light dried fruit cake