Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Strawberry pie bake

Strawberry pie bake

I like those very neat and beautifully crafted tarts (like this one), but most of the time, I like it when they are rustic and natural, made with love and great taste but with less pressure when making it. This, initially a beautiful pie, turned out to be pie bake because the dough is fragile and sticky, making it difficult to roll out nicely, yet it is perfect just because of that. You must press the dough into the pan and be gentle, yet natural. And then, voila! A lovely pie bake it is. 

250 g wheat flour
50 g roasted hazelnut flour
pinch of sea salt
20 g cornstarch
70 g golden caster sugar
1/4 vanilla pod, seeds
160 g butter, cold butter, grated
1 large egg

900 g strawberries
25 g cornstarch
100 g golden caster sugar
1/2 vanilla pod, seeds
pinch of sea salt

egg wash:
1 small egg yolk
15 ml milk
2 tbsp hazelnut flour

Put flours, cornstarch, sugar, vanilla, and salt into a bowl. Add butter and rub with your fingers to obtain a breadcrumb texture. Then add the egg and knead lightly until a smooth dough forms, but do not over-knead or the dough will be hard and not moist. Wrap the dough in cling film, pressing a bit to make a disc, and refrigerate for at least 1h. If you leave it longer, remember to take it out of the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before you use it; otherwise, it will be challenging to roll out.

Filling. Mix all the ingredients. 

Heat the oven to 200°. Prepare a pie dish around 25 cm large.  

Take 2/3 of the dough, roll it out a bit, and place it in the pan, spreading it on the bottom and sides around 2-3 mm thick. It differs from the dough you roll out and layer in neatly: this is a more rustic version. Fill with the berry mixture. Roll out the rest of the dough and make either a lattice or just any design you wish. Spread with egg wash and sprinkle with some more hazelnuts. Place in the oven and bake for around 40 minutes (one level below the middle) or until golden and bubbly. Take out and leave to cool. Serve. 

Strawberry crumble 

Strawberry crumble 

