Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Vanilla orange jam (and cognac, perhaps)

Vanilla orange jam (and cognac, perhaps)

Many years ago, I was lucky enough to meet a guy who often traveled to Greece, and a few times during the season, he came back with boxes of oranges that were at their peak of perfect ripeness, juiciness, sweetness, and so, so fragrant. They were everything you wanted oranges to be. And that was the time when I started making this jam, which I learned even a longer time ago (inspired by an Italian monastery recipe). I love it simple - with vanilla. But then, from time to time, with cognac. So, every year around January/February, when the best orange harvest is available, our home smells like oranges. Lots and lots of oranges.

1.1 kg only organic oranges
2 organic homegrown lemons, cut
800 ml water
800 g golden caster sugar
1 vanilla bean, split open
pinch of sea salt
50 ml cognac, if you wish 

Wash the oranges. Cut off the green part (where the stem is), and put the oranges in a blender. Blend until almost like a puree, but still with some pieces of orange rind. Transfer to a large, deep pot and add water. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, add both sugars, vanilla, cardamom, and rose petals.. Bring to the boil again, then lower the heat and simmer very slowly, stirring occasionally for 20 - 30 minutes until it starts to get just a bit sticky. If you are adding cognac, add in the last minutes for alcohol to evaporate, but taste to remain, letting it bubble for 2 minutes. It will still look a bit too “runny”, but it will set after some time. Pour into sterilized jars, seal, and set on a worktop until cool.

PS. I sterilize the jars very simply. Wash with soapy water and then heat in 150 degree oven for 15 minutes. For the lids – I put them in water, boil for 2 minutes, and then also heat in the oven. I keep the jars in the fridge (I have separate fridge for my preserves, as we don't have a cold cellar and I just feel much safer if they are in the fridge).

Potato mash with cheese (a la aligot)

Potato mash with cheese (a la aligot)

Weekend lamb stew

Weekend lamb stew