Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Simple chocolate and cheese slices

Simple chocolate and cheese slices

One day, I craved something chocolatey yet simple—not French. Something so easy to make that it would take no time yet still be full of flavour. Something almost like a tiramisu, yet not one. And this happened. 

25 ml ristretto
3 tbsp amaretto

190 g all-purpose flour 
55 g cocoa powder
1,5 tsp baking powder
1,5 tsp soda
¼ tbsp sea salt
⅓ tonka bean grated
3 medium eggs at room temperature
240 g golden sugar
75 g melted butter
90 g mild oil
225 g buttermilk

400 g mascarpone
150 g whipping cream
3 tbsp powdered sugar
vanilla powder
pinch of sea sal

Preheat the oven to 180°. Prepare a square tin 20 x 20 cm, lining it with baking paper. 

Whisk the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and tonka bean in a large bowl until thoroughly combined. Set aside. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, sugar, butter, and oil until combined. Add half of the wet ingredients and half of the buttermilk to the dry ingredients. Gently mix for a few seconds. Repeat with the rest of the wet ingredients and buttermilk. Stir until just combined, and do not over-mix.

Pour in the prepared tin. Place in the center of the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, testing with a toothpick when ready (there should not be any crumbs). Take out and leave to cool in a pan for a while (5 minutes) and then carefully remove placing on rack. Cool completely.

Before serving to, prepare the cream. In a bowl, whisk for 30 seconds mascarpone. Add half of the cream and mix in so that it is smooth. Add the rest of the cream, sugar, vanilla, and salt, and whisk for 3-4 minutes on medium speed until the cream holds its shape.

Mix coffee with amaretto in a bowl and brush it all over the cake using a brush. Spread with cream and dust with cacao. Serve. 

Tapenade and cheese wheel

Tapenade and cheese wheel

Boeuf a la gardiane

Boeuf a la gardiane