Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Melon and strawberries

Melon and strawberries

The house was quiet, as they were still asleep. No wonder, since it was Saturday. And even though the evening before was late (enjoying Justin Timberlake's concert), I could not sleep. Maybe because the excitement about the event less than 12 hours before was so significant, or perhaps because it was Saturday and that was a market day. I ate my breakfast and sat with a blank page in front of me, having not written a single dish I would make during this next week. I had a list of pastries and desserts, yet nothing on the side of a decent dinner plate. I opened the book of Elizabeth David and went through page by page. And, added one more dessert to my list. This one, in my version, though.

1 large or 4 small melons
800 g strawberries, small ones left whole and larger cut
vanilla powder - as much as you want
1 tsp golden caster sugar
1 lemon zest, finely grated
2 tbsp lemon juice
pinch of sea salt

Cut off the top of the melon or melons. Scrape out the seeds. And then, scrape out the belon using a melon baller. If you do not have one, you can scrape the melon just like large chunks and cut it into pieces.

In a bowl, mix melon, strawberries, vanilla, sugar, lemon zest, juice, and salt. Put it back into the melon and place in the fridge for a few hours. If you cannot put all of the mixture in the melon, put it in a covered bowl and put it in the fridge, too.

Take out the melon 30 minutes before serving. When serving, top the melon or each of the small melons with the leftover mixture and serve. 

Chicken with corn and tomato salad

Chicken with corn and tomato salad

Chausson aux pommes

Chausson aux pommes