Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Simple haricot salad

Simple haricot salad

It was only +19 and not getting hotter. After days of +30 and +28, it felt even cold. However, it wasn't, and a breeze of fresh air was all the lyonnaise people longed for. Slowly eating breakfast, I remembered that piece of lamb roast was in the freezer. Perfect for a day like this. I took it out to slowly defrost. After heating the oven and generously rubbing it with thyme, savory, and cumin, I placed it in the oven, taking the lettuce out of the fridge, when I suddenly saw haricots I had bought a few days ago. Crispy and fresh. And this salad happened. If you are not serving it with meat, top it with either hard cheese or burrata. Maybe no cheese and some cured meat. Or perhaps some roasted nuts (I prefer walnuts or pine nuts).

Chicken roast sandwich

Chicken roast sandwich

Paris. Bellanger

Paris. Bellanger