Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Dinner for 1. Courgette and tomato plate with tuna

Dinner for 1. Courgette and tomato plate with tuna

Just as I headed to the kitchen to prepare my dinner (it was my 11th day alone, I wish to add), the sun disappeared, and the wind started to rise, bringing thunder and lightning with rain showers. It felt like someone had switched off the light. I turned on the oven, and with my hair still wet from the shower, I made my dinner—a simple one celebrating the season's abundance and things left in the pantry to finally eat. 

Heat the oven 200°C degrees. Thinly cut courgette with olive oil, garlic, and beautiful summer savory I bought at the market the same morning. On another plate (since the oven was on), tomatoes with marjoram and oil. After 20 minutes in the oven, that allowed me to set my table, arrange the cheese and bread, I served it with canned tuna in olive oil, thyme flowers, basil flowers and fill flowers. Et voila. 

Slowly sipping incredible pinot noir from Burgundy, I ate dinner, dipping bread in the juices, and listened to the people chatting in the restaurant on the other side of the street. 

Dinner for 1. Warm beetroot and goat cheese salad

Dinner for 1. Warm beetroot and goat cheese salad

Dinner for 1. Haricots, ham and goat cheese

Dinner for 1. Haricots, ham and goat cheese