Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Dessert for 1. Figs and truffles

Dessert for 1. Figs and truffles

It was around the beginning of July when I noticed a box of luscious figs at our local vegetable shop. I had no question whether I should take them, and for a few days, our dessert was a fig. Delivered by a local farmer, they were superb. More than that. Sweet, luscious, juicy, moist, and all that one expects from a fig. A pure seasonal gold.

The next time I went to buy them, they were sold out with no date of return, yet my appetite for figs was so immense that one day, I walked from shop to shop and market to market, looking for them. Organic and local figs. With no luck. Until the next day, when at the Wednesday market, there was a box of les figues blanches. I went home lucky, as I was settled for my dessert in the upcoming days. Served with date and tahini truffles, that dessert became my staple over this course of living alone, and I could not wait to finish my meal faster to enjoy that combination of sweetness both of my desserts provided.

Vanilla and poppy seed cake

Vanilla and poppy seed cake

Dinner for 1. Tomato and harissa eggplant

Dinner for 1. Tomato and harissa eggplant