Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Tomatoes, figs, burrata and ham

Tomatoes, figs, burrata and ham

It was a Wednesday Place Carnot organic market, the one I love so much, where, one by one, I chose tomatoes and bunches of herbs, aiming mostly for those with flowers (dill, garlic, chives). It was some hours before when I went to Franchette and chose the most succulent figs. And on my way home from the market, I entered an Italian food shop, to get that last missing ingredient (burrata, yet, locally made). It was the best choice, a plate of these seasonal ingredients, to eat this day while enjoying the last +30 and + degrees in Lyon.

A simple summer dish, where all stars meet to play the best of the games.

2 large tomatoes (toe into 8 pieces)
a handful of cheery tomatoes (halved)
4-5 sweet and juicy figs, tore open
1 burrata
8 slices cured ham
3 tbsp mild extra virgin or smoked extra virgin olive oil
a small handful of basil leaves or, like in the picture, garlic flowers
sea salt to taste
freshly ground pepper to taste (I like to use also green pepper or smoked black pepper)

Arrange tomatoes, figs, and burrata on a plate. Pour over the oil, top with ham, and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and either basil leaves or garlic flowers. Serve. 

Pan-fried gnocchi with cheese

Pan-fried gnocchi with cheese

Normandy Chicken

Normandy Chicken