Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Pan-fried gnocchi with cheese

Pan-fried gnocchi with cheese

I came home from the market with way too many cherry tomatoes. Their sweetness just fascinated me, and I did not wish to do anything with them but splash with some extra virgin olive oil I brought back from Ile de Re. Yet, there they were, those gnocchis in the fridge waiting to be cooked. And I did. And served with tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper. And some garlic flowers.

15 ml mild extra virgin olive oil
30 g butter
1 tsp chopped rosemary or oregano leaves
2 garlic cloves, very finely chopped or grated
400 g fresh gnocchi
30 g finely grated parmesan cheese
sea salt to taste
freshly ground pepper to taste

cherry tomatoes
mild extra virgin olive oil
sea salt to taste
freshly ground pepper to taste
basil leaves of garlic flowers

In a pan, add oil, butter, and herbs and sautee on a very low heat for 15 minutes. That way, the oil and butter absorb all of the flavors, yet the garlic does not brown.

Prepare salad and put it on a table.

When 15 minutes have almost passed, boil the water, add salt and gnocchi, and boil until ready.

Lift out the garlic from the oil and set aside. Raise the heat to high (not the highest, though). Strain gnocchi and add to the oil. Fry them until golden on all sides. When ready, turn off the heat, add back the garlic, mix in, and sprinkle with half of the cheese.

I like to serve with the same pan on the table to share. Serve with more cheese.

Duck confit burger

Duck confit burger

Tomatoes, figs, burrata and ham

Tomatoes, figs, burrata and ham