Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Matcha cheesecake

Matcha cheesecake

She once asked for this cake on her birthday and enjoyed every bite of it while the other kids looked at it with suspicion, tempted by the green color but rejecting the taste. It was like watching a play where one plays two roles - the bad and the good. Since that day, I do not bake this for kids' parties, even if the kids ask for it, but we like to indulge in matcha cake from time to time on weekends or when guests come, particularly the ones who love matcha. It is very smooth, so cut it right from the fridge and with a warm knife (place in hot water, dry and cut, repeating after each piece). 

Creamy chicken roast salad

Creamy chicken roast salad

Chicken roast sandwich

Chicken roast sandwich