Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Creamy chicken roast salad

Creamy chicken roast salad

No matter how small is the poulet rôti bought at our local butcher shop or chicken roasted at home, there are always some leftovers. Sometimes for a meal, sometimes for two. Closer to the fall, when squash comes into the market and the days get colder, our chicken salad gets a new addition — roasted squash. The rest of the year it gets avocado, cucumber, fried zucchini, or radishes. But when the green leaves turn orange, it is time for a warm and hearty bowl of this salad.

Biodynamic tradition.  Domaine Jean Bourdy

Biodynamic tradition. Domaine Jean Bourdy

Matcha cheesecake

Matcha cheesecake