Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

September selection by glass

September selection by glass

I am sitting here in my office. The sun, after yesterday’s gloomy weather, feels much brighter than usual, so while trying to concentrate on these wines and all I wish to say about them, instead, I am looking at the sunlight dancing in my living room. If I did not know it is just 19 degrees Celsius outside, I would think the summer is still in full bloom, yet the fall has taken over, although it is a warm one allowing plenty of room for all kinds of attires from skirts to shorts and even to fall jackets. And, yes, it allows room for wines, which are still one foot in summer and already one in fall.

Alps and the cinnamon bun

Alps and the cinnamon bun

Droplets on the roses. cognac. and 18 dishes

Droplets on the roses. cognac. and 18 dishes