Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Tomatoes, figs, burrata and ham

Tomatoes, figs, burrata and ham

It was a Wednesday Place Carnot organic market, the one I love so much, where, one by one, I chose tomatoes and bunches of herbs, aiming mostly for those with flowers (dill, garlic, chives). It was some hours before when I went to Franchette and chose the most succulent figs. And on my way home from the market, I entered an Italian food shop, to get that last missing ingredient (burrata, yet, locally made). It was the best choice, a plate of these seasonal ingredients, to eat this day while enjoying the last +30 and + degrees in Lyon.

Pan-fried gnocchi with cheese

Pan-fried gnocchi with cheese

Normandy chicken

Normandy chicken