Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Dinner for 1. Haricots with harissa tomatoes

Dinner for 1. Haricots with harissa tomatoes

Blanch the haricots. Boil water and add a generous amount of salt. Add haricots and boil for 3-4 minutes (if they are very thin, then just 2 minutes). Drain and place right away in ide cold water. If you have, add ice. If not, when the water gets warmer, drain and fill up with cold water again. That stops cooking and does not let the bean get soggy. When cold, drain and pat dry.

Add 1 tbsp mild olive oil in a pan and heat it to warm. Add 1 cut large tomato, pinch of cumin seeds, sea salt, a bit of brown sugar (to enhance the sweetness of the tomato), 1/2 tsp harissa, 1 tbsp chopped basil, and 1 grated garlic clove. Sautée on medium-high heat until the sauce thickens and almost dries out.

In the meantime, blanch haricots, and when drained, pat them dry (I use some of the vegetable drying towels I have set aside, especially for that).

Place on a plate and top with tomato sauce, some cut avocado, and peppermint. Add some freshly ground green pepper ( I use this one) or simple black pepper if you desire.

Dinner for 1. Broad beans and tomato on toast

Dinner for 1. Broad beans and tomato on toast

Dinner for 1. Radishes, courgettes and taramasalata

Dinner for 1. Radishes, courgettes and taramasalata