Because in food I trust. In all forms and shapes. 

Dinner for 1. Radishes, courgettes and taramasalata

Dinner for 1. Radishes, courgettes and taramasalata

I bought a jar of a wonderful small producer taramasalata a few months ago in the Charente-Maritime region, not far from Cognac, yet there was never the right time to eat it. Or, maybe I never made it the right time to eat it. So, on day nine, home alone, with some radishes left from yesterday's dinner with steak and one zucchini in the vegetable compartment, I knew that this would be my dinner. A simple one, yet what a flavour. 

In a pan, pour 1 tbsp mild extra virgin olive oil, and when it is hot, add courgette pieces (cut to your liking). Sprinkle with one chopped garlic clove and 1 tsp fresh marjoram. Fry from both sides until they are nicely browned. Take off the heat when ready. 

In the meantime, spread taramasalata on a plate. Add courgettes, radishes, basil leaves, organic lemon zest, green pepper, and dill flowers (I love the taste) or some dill leaves if you can not get the flowers. Yet, the flowers have a milder and more elegant taste, so I love to use them instead of dill. 

Dinner for 1. Haricots with harissa tomatoes

Dinner for 1. Haricots with harissa tomatoes

Dinnr for 1. Minute steak with radishes and capers

Dinnr for 1. Minute steak with radishes and capers